That’s it. You’re done. You’ve done nothing in marketing.
That’s it. You’re done. You’ve done nothing in marketing.
Most marketers use email lists to reach out to current customers and try to connect with new customers. It’s tried and true, but have you thought about the health of your email list or lists recently?
The key to data is using it effectively, to seek out and test the best ideas for better results. IBM’s annual Marketing Benchmark Report is a way for any company in any country to compare and contrast their digital marketing efforts against not only your “average” but your “above average” competitors.
As a company of marketers who love a healthy dose of storytelling, we can’t help but interview interesting people about what they’re most passionate. We snagged IBM Watson Marketing Lead Brian Rants and chatted about the way marketing automation is changing, where it’s already been, and what nerdy thing we should be looking forward to.
Join us July 31 for an Evening Brew Series event here at Look Listen, where you’ll hear from a special presenter and participate in a panel-led discussion on marketing automation.
This month, Georgia Tech Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies (CDAIT) published an expansive white paper covering, you guessed it, all things IoT.
DSG is the nation’s largest network of dental labs and lab services. Recently, Look Listen worked to create a comprehensive campaign to boost engagement, top-of-mind consideration, and encouraging case cross-sell and upsell amongst DSG’s most loyal customers. In short, we wanted DSG’s customers to “think DSG first.”
As healthcare continues to grow in complexity and expense, providers and patients alike are looking for better quality, better outcomes, and better value. How can the industry (and the marketers that work for them) fuel patient outreach and education efforts using the latest in technology? We grabbed some vital trends from across the industry.
Selligent Marketing Cloud is leading omnichannel marketing automation platform with a strong European presence. To increase brand awareness throughout North American markets, the client made it a goal to drive leads from a list of specific job titles derived from 4,200 companies.